Lance wrote:
> Further, many will experience
> unimaginable frustration over their
> inability to attain to the unattainable.

Is this event evidence of a false teaching? I don't
mind sharing with you that I was once frusterated with
myself about trying to live in holiness. I would go a
week without reading my Bible, and get depressed with
how I had not served God as I knew I should. Or I
would participate in gossip, and later feel guilty
about it. 

But this is not the kind of holiness my father is
exhorting you to practice. That is a form of
self-absorbed righteousness. The Lord showed me I was
trying to serve Him while keeping my eyes on myself. 

If a person chooses to love God, and desires to love
and worship Him in everything they do, they will not
become frusterated in their walk, because their
conscience will be clear. They walked in love, they
are full of God's love. Their focus is on their God,
rather than on themselves. The result is that I will
not usually forget to study my Bible. If I do forget,
I try to do better, but I do not experience
frusteration over it, because I love God. My
conscience is clear. What you are talking about is a
genuine concern, Lance, but my father is not endorsing
that kind of obeidience.


--- Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I do understand.
> Now, we are back to this matter of
> teaching/interpretation are we not,
> David.
> Example:This teaching in question (not to you but,
> to others). You believe
> it and, I'd assume that you also teach it. I believe
> that, at the very
> least, every member of your family believes it
> (whoops! not your wife as you
> described her as a worrier). I'd also suppose that
> you teach it in your home
> meeting. IFF (unthinkable for you, I know) you have
> not interpreted
> Scripture correctly on this point, then you, David,
> have generated a
> TRADITION. Further, many will experience
> unimaginable frustration over their
> inability to attain to the unattainable. Further
> yet, you (should this
> scenario be correct) you will have been deceived.
> Even further, one could
> not but wonder at the source of this deception,
> could one?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: July 07, 2005 10:59
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] All believers are ONE IN
> > Lance wrote:
> >
> > Let me rephrase and see if we are talking about
> the same thing.  I live
> with
> > tradition, but I do not live with the tradition
> that tradition overrules
> > Scripture.  Do you understand what I am saying?
> >
> > If there is a conflict between tradition and
> Scripture, the tradition goes
> > and a new, more Biblical tradition, is adopted. 
> Do you understand this
> and
> > how it works in churches like ours?
> >
> > Peace be with you.
> > David Miller.
> >
> > ----------
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> with salt, that you may
> know how you ought to answer every man." 
> (Colossians 4:6)
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