The MAIN POINT IS that there are many Catholic believers, filled with God's
Spirit who worship and serve God faithfully within the RCC just as do you in
tthe DMC. Error is present within both.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: July 09, 2005 10:46
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] All believers are ONE IN CHRIST

> Debbie wrote:
> > Yes, there are Catholics who think this way.
> And there are Catholics who practice birth control, abortion, curse like a
> sailor, fornicate, commit adultery, murder for the right cause, etc. etc.
> Finding Catholics who think this way really does not say anything.
> Debbie wrote:
> > But how vocal they are about it, or whether there
> > are priests who teach it, I am not sure.
> Not believing in Transubstantiation is an excommunicable offense in Roman
> Catholicism.  Priests have been excommunicated for not believing it, and
> priest who taught the way you believe would likely also be defrocked.
> Furthermore, anybody who does not believe in transubstantiation is not
> allowed to partake of communion.  You, Debbie, are not allowed to
> participate in the Eucharist with your so-called brothers and sisters.
> Doesn't that tell you something about the grave error of this so-called
> "church"?  They do not accept you as worthy to partake in communion.  You
> realize that, don't you?
> See:
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> ----------
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