The HS's action I am referring to is "pre-believer", and I clarify the content in the sentences that come after. But if it helps, just leave off that second "who" clause, as I believe the word "convict" may have been a bad choice and is distracting.

I have not denied the existence of the conscience. And yes, I agree it speaks to those who do not believe, but I differ from you on just what it says to them. As for the HS using it, well, he can use anything he wants. He uses language, but (as Judy rightly points out) linguistics can't show me the truth.


----- Original Message ----- From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Adam - sin - and the rest of us

Debbie wrote:
It is the Holy Spirit who reveals our
condition to us, who convicts of sin.

I don't know if you have ever made this distinction, but I do not believe
that the Holy Spirit ever convicts believers of sin. The Holy Spirit's job
in the life of the believer is to reveal Christ to us.  In other words, he
reveals righteousness to us, just the opposite of sin.

Debbie wrote:
I do not mean pointing out individual transgressions
to us (which acts are right and which are wrong).
I mean giving our darkened minds an understanding
that our humanity as it is is pervasively bent--that we
are not in the proper relation to God and are in need
of redemption. We can't know that without knowing
who God is and who we are meant to be in relation
to him. This is by the Holy Spirit.

Yes, I acknowledge this work of the Holy Spirit, but this does not deny the existence of the conscience. It is actually the conscience which gives the
Holy Spirit entrance and a way to work in our lives.

The thing about the conscience is that it speaks even to those who have not experienced this work of the Holy Spirit you have just described. It speaks
even to those who do not believe.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

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