Lance my goodness, this looks more like a morning rant than morning musings ... sigh!
On Thu, 8 Dec 2005 05:30:46 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Forever rail against the graciousness of this selfsame God?
Who is railing?  Taking His Own Words seriously is hardly railing against anything, in fact it is honoring Him in his love and graciousness because this is what He requires of us.
Judy & Kevin wish to inform us what God can't do through Lewis & Tolkien (in print or on film). Y'all ought to read Linda Shield's observations. Amen Linda!
I read Linda's observations and there was a time when I may have agreed with her - However, I now believe that a heart truly surrendered to Christ would have layed aside the classical education and mythology rather than try to mix it like oil and water.  Paul had a pretty good education himself and he counted it as dung compared to the knowledge of Christ. For the record I don't believe CSL actually knew the Lord though he may have been up on doctrinal orthodoxy and he made a lot of money with his writing.  His personal choices tell the rest of the story.
David, Christine, Judy and Linda rail against feminism, absolving the believing community of its part in marginalizing women in the home, church and society at large (most are rather duplicitous on the society thingy).
I have not railed against anything Lance and the "believing community" I am around encourages women to stay at home and nurture their children. I happen to believe that God made men and women to be different and that the women are the nurturers. In a home where there is the love of Christ (beginning with the husband/father) there is
no reason for women to be out there swimming with the sharks and wearing themselves out to be accepted.
MYOPIA-Ask Linda for a definition.
Judy employed the word 'sad' three times in a post yesterday. Well TTers here is a piece of news for y'all GOD READS TT!! When we, either through ignorance or intentionality, misrepresent HIM then, HE IS SAD!  There's a whole lot of misrepresentin' goin' on here children!
No Lance.  I have not misrepresented the God I serve at all; He may not meet your standards but He is the one
I must answer to.  You have your own thing going on that makes no sense at all to me.
'Drive by posts'..was that a Smithson original? Shootin' brothers and sisters, even when exhibiting mega stupidity, ain't the best way to go (ceptin' now and then, of course) 

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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