Vampires despise the cross also! Read this and cringe, Blaine and DaveH:
"The Blood of Christ, shed on the Cross, prevails."  iz

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry Locke
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 12:16 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Cross

I hope you don't mind me intruding on your intrusion. I would expect Satan 
to teach his people to shun the is the very instrument of his 
defeat. Besides, Christ himself used the cross as a symbol, as did the 
Apostles. If it is good enough for them, it is good enough for me. And, it 
is a frequent reminder of the tremendous sacrifice Jesus paid for our sins. 
I just do not think of that when I see a beehive.


>From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [TruthTalk] Cross
>Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 20:15:17 -0800
>*/What does the CROSS "REPRESENT"/*
>DAVEH:  I hope you don't mind me intruding on your discussion with Blaine, 
>Kevin.  This topic is of particular interest to me, as I've seen quite a 
>few crosses at the sides of highways I travel.  Quite often, they indicate 
>places where people have died, or in the case of cemeteries.....where they 
>are buried...........
>..........In the past couple thousand years, many Christians have idolized 
>the cross to depict the death of Jesus.........
>.......which to me seems rather bizarre to me....if not macabre.  Some 
>Christians have taken to wearing jewelery, and displaying crosses in their 
>abodes and places of worship.........
>.........As I see it, those crosses depict the *cruel tool* used to bring 
>not only much pain and suffering to our beloved Savior, but also the device

>that was used by God's enemies to kill our Lord.  This inhumane instrument 
>was designed not only to kill God's children, but at the same time to 
>punitively torture them in a humiliating and degrading way.  It always 
>amazes me that some Christians would have such an affinity to such a 
>devilish device that brings pain, suffering and death to the minds of many 
>who see it, and especially to those who were victims of it.
>    I'm curious as to how you would feel about something similar, Kevin.  I

>don't know if you have any children, but for the sake of this discussion 
>let's assume you do.  If your enemy were to maliciously use a knife to 
>torture your daughter for a couple days to the point that the wounds killed

>her, would you be predisposed to wear a piece of jewelry on a chain around 
>your neck in the form of a knife to remind you of what the guy did to your 
>daughter?  And, how would you feel if you drove by a gun & knife store, and

>saw a sign depicting knives that looked similar to the one that killed your

>daughter......Would it bring back fond memories?
>    LDS folks appreciate the dying sacrifice of our Lord in our behalf.  
>But we don't glorify the tool that killed him.  It sickens me to think of 
>man's inhumanity that would bring such pain, suffering and death to one who

>did not deserve it.   Nor do we idolize the cross as do so many others.  
>Rather, we prefer to remember his sacrifice and glorify his Father---not 
>the cross--- for the resurrection of his Son.
>    FWIW.....We have a large Christian church near us that a few years ago 
>put 3 large prominent crosses on their building that are lit up at night 
>with blue lights that are very noticeable to the cars passing by on the 
>.........This picture really doesn't show them very well compared to the 
>cars on the freeway, as it is taken from the wrong angle and at quite a 
>distance.  I have sometimes wondered if Jesus were to travel that road, 
>what would he think if he were to pass such an edifice that memorializes 
>his death in such a manner.  I wouldn't be surprised if he would wince at 
>such a sight.   And......It bothers me to think that some would pain him in

>such a callous way.
>Kevin Deegan wrote:
>>Exactly they bought into the counterfeit.
>>*How art thou _fallen from heaven_, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art

>>thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast

>>said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will _exalt my throne 
>>above the stars_ of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the 
>>congregation, in the sides of the north:...*
>>*Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.*
>>  *North Star*, which represents *Jesus Christ. *
>>  */
>>What does the CROSS "REPRESENT" Blaine?
>>  /*
>Dave Hansen
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