For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Christ did not tell us to take up a borrowed tomb, Dave. We are told to
take up our cross. Those wearing one are sending a messsage that they
follow Christ. Those with one marking their grave are saying the same
thing. This, of course, is not always true, but that cannot be helped.
Anything good will always be faked.
To answer your other question, I criticize almost every thing about the
Catholic religion. They are as screwed up as the Mormons. Don't even
try to understand. It would be a waste of time. IMO, of course, and
that is a shame.

Dave Hansen wrote:

> *The cross, like the tomb, is empty.*
> DAVEH: So why don't Christians hang a symbol of the tomb (stone)
> around their neck or decorate their edifices with something less
> representative of the tools of God's enemies? As I see it, the tomb
> was at least a sacred place, where Jesus' friends were relatively
> comfortable. It was also a place where they cared for Jesus' body,
> and near where Mary first saw the resurrected Christ. To me, it
> would be far more significant than the instrument that brought such
> pain, misery and death to our Lord. I just don't understand why
> anybody would glorify something that was glorified by the enemies of
> Jesus.....
> BTW.....Do you criticize the RCC practice of
> idolizing/memorializing the crucifix? I don't see much distinction
> between what they do, and what most non Catholic Christians do in
> their glorification of the cross. Just because one depicts the actual
> usage of the cross to bring pain and death to our Savior isn't much
> different to me than a cross that remained after Jesus was killed and
> hauled off to the tomb.
> _* I think you are missing something important here*_
> DAVEH: No Terry.....I don't think I'm missing anything, Terry.
> Lest you forget, Christ arose from the tomb....not the cross.
> Terry Clifton wrote:
>> _* I think you are missing something important here*_ Dave. *The
>> cross, like the tomb, is empty.* Jesus won the victory (for us).
>> The only people who still have Him on the cross are Catholics. We
>> "Protestants" celebrate an empty cross. The one we deserved was
>> occupied by another, but, Praise God, no more. The empty cross is a
>> precious reminder of how much we are loved.
>> Terry
>> Dave Hansen wrote:
>>> */What does the CROSS "REPRESENT"/*
>>> DAVEH: I hope you don't mind me intruding on your discussion with
>>> Blaine, Kevin. This topic is of particular interest to me, as I've
>>> seen quite a few crosses at the sides of highways I travel. Quite
>>> often, they indicate places where people have died, or in the case
>>> of cemeteries.....where they are buried...........
>>> ..........In the past couple thousand years, many Christians have
>>> idolized the cross to depict the death of Jesus.........
>>> .......which to me seems rather bizarre to me....if not macabre.
>>> Some Christians have taken to wearing jewelery, and displaying
>>> crosses in their abodes and places of worship.........
>>> .........As I see it, those crosses depict the *cruel tool* used to
>>> bring not only much pain and suffering to our beloved Savior, but
>>> also the device that was used by God's enemies to kill our Lord.
>>> This inhumane instrument was designed not only to kill God's
>>> children, but at the same time to punitively torture them in a
>>> humiliating and degrading way. It always amazes me that some
>>> Christians would have such an affinity to such a devilish device
>>> that brings pain, suffering and death to the minds of many who see
>>> it, and especially to those who were victims of it.
>>> I'm curious as to how you would feel about something similar,
>>> Kevin. I don't know if you have any children, but for the sake of
>>> this discussion let's assume you do. If your enemy were to
>>> maliciously use a knife to torture your daughter for a couple days
>>> to the point that the wounds killed her, would you be predisposed to
>>> wear a piece of jewelry on a chain around your neck in the form of a
>>> knife to remind you of what the guy did to your daughter? And, how
>>> would you feel if you drove by a gun & knife store, and saw a sign
>>> depicting knives that looked similar to the one that killed your
>>> daughter......Would it bring back fond memories?
>>> LDS folks appreciate the dying sacrifice of our Lord in our
>>> behalf. But we don't glorify the tool that killed him. It sickens
>>> me to think of man's inhumanity that would bring such pain,
>>> suffering and death to one who did not deserve it. Nor do we
>>> idolize the cross as do so many others. Rather, we prefer to
>>> remember his sacrifice and glorify his Father---not the cross--- for
>>> the resurrection of his Son.
>>> FWIW.....We have a large Christian church near us that a few
>>> years ago put 3 large prominent crosses on their building that are
>>> lit up at night with blue lights that are very noticeable to the
>>> cars passing by on the freeway........
>>> .........This picture really doesn't show them very well compared to
>>> the cars on the freeway, as it is taken from the wrong angle and at
>>> quite a distance. I have sometimes wondered if Jesus were to travel
>>> that road, what would he think if he were to pass such an edifice
>>> that memorializes his death in such a manner. I wouldn't be
>>> surprised if he would wince at such a sight. And......It bothers
>>> me to think that some would pain him in such a callous way.
>>> Kevin Deegan wrote:
>>>> Exactly they bought into the counterfeit.
>>>> *How art thou _fallen from heaven_, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
>>>> how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the
>>>> nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into
>>>> heaven, I will _exalt my throne above the stars_ of God: I will sit
>>>> also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:...*
>>>> *Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.*
>>>> *North Star*, which represents *Jesus Christ. *
>>>> */
>>>> What does the CROSS "REPRESENT" Blaine?
>>>> /*

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