-------------- Original message --------------
From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Sat, 7 Jan 2006 14:38:05 -0700 "Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Perry doesn't seem to want to get involved period. That aside, I said it like l did because I meant it that much.
Don't you think it more than a little arrogant Bill; after all this is not your classroom.  What is arrogant, Judy, is your decision to not give a care about bringing others along with you.  Rather, you treat others with whom you disagree as if they were pagans , insulting the spirit of their allegiance  ("you are one with the Accuser").  It is arrogance to claim a revelation from the Spirit that others do not share.  It is most frustrating. 
You've ended dozens of discussions with this kind of ad hom garbage. People finally just wear out and give up.
It people means you Bill, yes you do take off and go home early on.  Worn out?  You don't have much stamina I guess.
JD just hangs in there ....  Ad hom garbage?  Nothing I write could be described this way and this is ad hom in itself. 
In the meantime the real issues are almost always lost. Who gives a damn if an idea comes from me or you or the church fathers?
IS IT TRUE? -- that is the question. We are not here to discuss personalities, but the truthfulness of "issues."
I'm not discussing personalities.  You and Lance and Debbie S. are busy doing this.   Judy  --  you and DM invariably make the discussion a personal mater.  We find ourselves defending ourselves --  our person  --  against your charges.  You simply do not pursue a discussion without getting personal.  Just does not happen.   Do we get personal with you.  Yep  --  but never first !!!!   That's right.  You start it in every case.   Someone says something about the "incarnation" and how do you respond?   "Why don't you just stick to the word and stop fololowing the doctrines of men>"    That IS A PERSONAL ATTACK and has nothing to with the discussion.  It is begging the question because it has NOTHING TO WITH THE QUESTIONS  --  and it is ad hom for that reason.   Some on this forum think that an "ad hom" is a considered insult.  Not true.   It can be that, of course.  But ad hom in debate is an illogical argument called begging the question.   You and DM are masters of this maneuver.  Sometimes it gets very tiresome. 
Talk about ideas, Judy; talk about issues; leave the people behind them alone. Either that or embrace the fact that on most of
these issues, it is you who is the heretic.      AMEN  !!
Gladly Bill, except that you keep resurrecting them.  I would love to stick with scripture and let the dead along with their
ideas - and their actions RIP until the time of the great whitethrone judgment...  

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