1.  "Faith" is used with two considerations in Romans 14  --  "the Faith" and "faith."    The FOUR brethren disagreed on The Faith, Judy.   Now if you do not think that "The Faith"  includes doctrine,  we must agree to disagree. 
2.  We have the eating of meats AND the observance of holy days presented in this passage.   Each is a DOCTRINAL consideration with Paul telling them this:  "let each be fully convinced in his own mind."   DOCTRINE.  
3.  That you see no diversity here is simply unbelievable. 
4.  Romans 16:17 "Now I beseech you brethren, MARK THEM which cause divisions and offenses CONTRARY TO THE DOCTRINE which ye have learned and AVOID THEM"     The "doctrine" referred to in this passage  is the teaching concerning unity in diversity  !!!   They have received a teaching that prevents divisions and moves each away from offending the other.   The non-forgiving legalist who insists that "it is my way or the highway" needs to be marked and excluded, herself !!  Within the boundaries of "Christian,"  our home church has only one rule of conduct  -   tolerance of another brother's views, knowing that he does not serve the church politic but Christ, Himself.   People who violate that are asked to leave. 
5.  What the Jews practiced or did not practice following the resurrection is no standard for doctrine, nor is it a picture of manifest diversity JD     Again, your own theology has blinded you to what is being said.   Acts 15 is not about "what the Jews practiced  ......  following the resurrection."   Rather, it is has to do with the "Jewish Church" faction and the "Gentile Church"faction.   To prevent division within the church of Christ,  the two groups were given a course of conduct and told [by implication] to stop judging each other.   Unity was more important than the notion that they all "speak and believe the same things."    If you cannot see this obvious truth  --  well,  I really so not know what to tell you. 

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