El 29/05/17 a les 13:58, Jan Grasnick | Grasbauer UG ha escrit:
Am 29.05.2017 um 11:58 schrieb Nicolas Évrard:
* Sergi Almacellas Abellana  [2017-05-29 10:07 +0200]:
El 26/05/17 a les 17:51, Maximilian Holtzberg ha escrit:

You can try to run the client over mitmproxy like this:
mitmproxy -R http://localhost:8000 -p 8088
and connect the client to it. It gives you some timing informations

First request byte          2017-05-26 12:07:21.961
Request complete            2017-05-26 12:07:21.985
First response byte         2017-05-26 12:07:22.027
Response complete           2017-05-26 12:07:22.043

You are still not proving any evidence that trytond is slower.
And also don't providing details about the setup-up.
I had the same issue with 4.2 and replaced werkzeug with cherrypi. Since
it happened in a very strange environment (windows, trytond in cygwin) I
didn't give it much thought. But the improvement was significant (from
mostly unusable to wow :) . I don't know your environment but you can
give it a try and report back your results . So we have an entry point
for further investigations.

trytond default comandline uses werkzeug run_simple [1] which as explained on their docs [2] it performs poorly under high load. Indeed, there is some thread on this list [3] explaining how to configure it as WSGI server, which will provide better performance.

Hope it helps.

[1] http://hg.tryton.org/trytond/file/93b914901108/bin/trytond#l46
[2] http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/0.12/serving/#werkzeug.serving.run_simple
[3] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tryton-dev/GI2h2cSUG6A/e2F2H3nXBQAJ

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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