do you a have a file somewhere lying around on your fs? or do we have 
to retype the constitution?

Concerning the website: Would somebody be interested to give the FSCK 
site a new design?
If this person would be interested he/she make a good officer for 
'Public Relations' perhaps too -- that is designing posters and other 
stuff alike.
...looks good on the resume to be more then simply an "active 
member"... and is a cool job if you like that kind of stuff... 


Donald J Bindner wrote:

>Now that the club has chosen a new name, we should update the
>constitution to match, so our paperwork is in order (we have some
>deadlines coming up on Wednesday for filing as a student
>We gone through the hard process of finding a new name.  Rather
>than go to the trouble of another ballot, I expect this can be
>approved by general consent.
>Someone should move that "Truman State Linux Users Group" be
>amended to "Free Software Club of Kirksville" in all of the
>organization's documentation, including the consititution.
>Then a second.
>I'll wait until Monday afternoon at 5pm for any objections, and
>barring objections we'll consider it passed unanimously by
>general consent.
>If there are objections, I'll set up a ballot and we'll need a
>2/3 margin.
>Don Bindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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