> > Here are (some of) the fully functional examples which do cover remote
> > data access of all shapes and sizes using Stores, Proxies, Readers,
> > etc, etc via JSON and/or XML:
> >
> > http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/form/custom.html
> > http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/form/xml-form.html
> > http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/form/forum-search.html
> > http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/grid/edit-grid.html
> Thanks. This helps somewhat, but for me it does not replace a systematic
> documentation of the concepts and ideas behind the data handling, when
> and why and how to use the different stores and proxies and readers. Can
> you point me to anything helpful here? Also, some classes such as
> JsonStore aren't covered in these examples.

The best way I think is first starting with
http://extjs.com/learn/Tutorial:Introduction_to_Ext_2.0 General
concepts of data handling (Stores, Proxies, Readers, etc) are here
http://extjs.com/learn/Manual:Data and when you got through all of
that the API documentation at http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/ is not
that frightening any more :)
For example it will be clear that JsonStore is just a Store with a
reader that knows how to read JSON. You could write your Store and
Reader by yourself but since it's such a common case you have
JsonStore for convenience.

There is of course a learning curve but in this case I think it's
fully justified because the design is great with several (necessary)
layers of abstraction. More layers, more learning, but it pays off.
The alternative would be a "It's so easy to use" framework with no
abstraction at all but that would not scale and would be difficult to

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