iain duncan wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-23-09 at 02:06 +0200, Christopher Arndt wrote:
>> No, easy_install is always installing the latest version, that's
>> available on the download page linked on the projects PyPI page.
>> Thatswhy the official and supported installation method is the one
>> described on http://docs.turbogears.org/Install using the tgsetup.py
>> script, which will install the correct current stable version.
> The last time we discussed this on here ( with Florent ) I'm pretty sure
> everyone agreed that easy_install should install the latest release, not
> the latest release candidate or beta. I haven't looked up the thread,
> but that is my recollection, possibly erroneous. Florent, do you recall?

Maybe it should, but it doesn't. That's just not the way easy_install
works by default. To easy_install a version with a higher number is
newer and (if you don't specify a version contraint) will install it.

This is exactly why we are providing the tgsetup.py script, because it
specifies which version of TG to install internally (This also answers
ChrisM's question). This is also why I always say that the tgsetup.py
way is the official installation method for TG 1.0, because the
easy_install way may break at any time.

This behaviour of easy_install is not specific to TG or its packaging,
easy_install does the same for all packages. For example if you
currently do "easy_install SQLAlchemy", you get a 0.5 release candidate
not a 0.4 stable release. easy_install has no notion of "stable" or
"supported" releases it only knows that release candidates are older
than release versions with the same version number.

The only way to work around this is:

a) You tell easy_install which version you want (which makes it
difficult to give consistent installation instructions to users).

b) You point easy_install to a package index where only the stable
packages (and all dependencies) are and tell it to not look somewhere
else (i.e. at the PyPI). This is the reason why I wrote the tgsetupng.py
script [1] [2] and EggBasket [3].

> IMHO having it install a non release is really weird.

1.1b1 *is* a release, it's just not a "stable" one, but easy_install
doesn't care.

> I as a user would
> always expect easy_install to give me something known good and expect to
> have to ask specifically for a beta.

Unfortunately that expectation doesn't match reality.

> Now I will defer to those in charge
> of course, but I really believe this is a case of bad packaging and does
> not contribute to our reputation in the marketing department. I'd like
> to humbly request that this be brought up on the main list to see what
> people actually are expecting. 

As explained, this is not a packaging issue, it's an issue of how to use
easy_install correctly and how to provide the right package index
structure for it. I have written about the issues with easy_install
several times on this and the main TG mailing list, please search the
archives if you want to know more.


[1] http://trac.turbogears.org/ticket/1785
[2] http://trac.turbogears.org/browser/projects/tgsetupng/trunk
[3] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/EggBasket

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