On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:21 PM, Jorge Vargas <jorge.var...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:44 PM, Chris Miles <miles.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 11/12/2008, at 4:36 PM, Mark Ramm wrote:
>>>> I assume Beaker is also the recommended caching solution for
>>>> TG2, but would like clarification.
>>> Yes, beaker is the built in caching mechanism of TG2.  Beaker supports
>>> memcached, and lots of other back-ends.   It also doesn't suffer from
>>> the so-called dog-pile effect i the same way as some other
>>> web-framework's built in caching mechanisms do, because it's just
>>> plain awesome.
>> That's good.  I've decided to learn standard Pylons before looking at
>> TG2 in detail.  I assume a lot of Pylons knowledge will make working
>> with TG2 much easier.
> From the experience of someone that did that, You will be disappointed
> and you will learn a lot. From someone that comes from TG1 or django,
> pylons is like giving you a 10000 pieces puzzle with no picture of the
> image and a lot of ocean and sky tiles. So you have to expend a lot of
> time reading about the components and understanding how things are
> done, and ones your finally done with all those blue tiles you have no
> energy to get started with the ship. And this is exactly the kind of
> thing TG2 is here for. You start right there at the ship and if you
> don't want to expend countless hours on the sky and sea, you don't
> have to, but if some part of it is important you can dive in there.


I like the metaphore. This is the differenciating tagline I had been
searching for some time now: "With tg2.0 begin by the ship not by the
sky!". Joking :)

You're quite right, it is interesting to note that TG2.0 is a good
framework in the original sense of the word, that will help you work
with pylons. And as you noted it is really easy to just do something
the pylons way if you think tg is not doing this or that part as you
would like it to be done.


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