I totally agree with this. I had started using tg2 with only some
background of tg1 and with no background of pylons behind me and I
found that I could use tg2 to a large extent without problems.

Fortunately when I had started on TG1 about 2 years back, I had
started using tg1 along with SA as the ORM. Although a lots of TG
goodies available with SO were not supported on SA at that time, I
made the choice for SA as the devs had made their intentions of
eventually migrating to SA very clear. So that was indeed a big plus
for starting with TG2.

But apart from that I would like to give full credits to Mark (and
others) for making the TG2 controller api almost an exact replica of
TG1. A bunch of wonderful new technologies have been employed in TG2
while keeping the api very similar.  From what I gather, Gustavo,
Florent, et al have made even the auth and auth api similar to that of

I have worked with toscawidgets over the last one year and found it to
be very similar to TG widgets. Yes, it had lacked some docs, but now
the docs are quite decent.

So while the knowledge of pylons is a definite plus towards fully
understanding the framework, TG2 could be used even without knowing

Another thing that I would like to mention here is that all the
support and documentation provided on TG1 by ChrisA, Florent and
Others has and will play a key role in overall success of TG2. Two
things are worth mentioning here

* Much of the TG1 wiki docs were used as starting point for TG2 docs
* The support provided on TG1 has helped and will help TG1 users not
to move away from TG and to stick to the framework and eventually move
on to TG2

I agree with the suggestions of better marketing and an appealing
template for TG2 as they help attract users. But I have another
suggestion here. Can we have a quick 2nd edition of the TG book which
includes WSGI concepts, TG2 api and TW, while people can keep working
on a final good TG2 book in the long term. New users almost always
look whether books are available. If not they just tend to move away.

Finally, kudos to the entire TG team for this wonderful development
and community experience :)


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Michael Brickenstein
> Of course Pylons knowledge doesn't harm.
> However, it is a little bit the other way around.
> I have now two webapps running TG2 and didn't use any Pylons before:
> TG2 is good jump into Pylons. It has a good quickstart template
> and chooses reasonable defaults.
> Setting some components as defaults also means, that the documentation
> can
> be more concrete: showing how to use problems with Genshi, SA,
> repoze.what in this combination.
> Of course, once you are more experienced, it is usually no problem to
> abstract from that description.
> So, I recommend you, just to start your next project with TG2 :-).
> Michael
> On 11 Dez., 06:44, Chris Miles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 11/12/2008, at 4:36 PM, Mark Ramm wrote:
>> >> I assume Beaker is also the recommended caching solution for
>> >> TG2, but would like clarification.
>> > Yes, beaker is the built in caching mechanism of TG2.  Beaker supports
>> > memcached, and lots of other back-ends.   It also doesn't suffer from
>> > the so-called dog-pile effect i the same way as some other
>> > web-framework's built in caching mechanisms do, because it's just
>> > plain awesome.
>> That's good.  I've decided to learn standard Pylons before looking at
>> TG2 in detail.  I assume a lot of Pylons knowledge will make working
>> with TG2 much easier.
>> For those that haven't already found it, James Gardner's Pylons book
>> is available to read free online and has been invaluable for my Pylons
>> learning.  http://pylonsbook.com/
>> Cheers,
>> Chris Miles
> >

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