On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 2:59 AM, Iain Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I assume this means rather than TG 1.9.7.beta3, we'll be seeing TG
>> > 2.0.0.beta1 next right?
>> Seems about right, and that was the plan.
>> Though I'm not opposed to keeping the numbering scheme we have now
>> until the stable release becomes 2.0.
> I'm +1 on that. I think major release numbers create a lot of
> expectation in terms of polish and that it is a big marketing no-no to
> rush the major release numbers.

I have the exact opposite opinion here: We have 1.0.x, 1.1, 1.5 and
1.9 branches... I strongly feel 2.0 should be identified as such. If
we enter a cycle of "beta" versions we will then have a possible "rc"
cycle. This means we have some margin before we label TG2 as stable.

We need to remember TG2 was actually announced at least one year ago
in great fanfare, the evil is already done and I prefer having a
2.0beta with some quirks than people calling tg2 vaporware. At the
moment tg2 _is_ vaporware for the vast majority of python users out
there. I have been in a lot of python enthusiast meetings, the people
I met there were surprised that TG2 actually existed!

TG2 does not exist, TG2 does not have a presence, if we continue to
hide TG2 behind a 1.9.xxbetax versioning scheme we're just finding
excuses to not release the damn thing and to fail silently.

I have invested time and effort in TG1 to maintain the platform
waiting for TG2 to mature, I have invested time and effort to help TG2
get closer to a release when/where I could, but I feel now is the good
moment to start going public and to start pushing the thing out. If we
don't do it now we won't do it ever.

Remember that open source developers come and go and the more you
speak and go public about your product the more developers come, the
more you go shy and silent about your product the more developers go
elsewhere. I feel our platform is stable and robust enough to justify
a beta cycle (I'm not talking about a stable shiny 2.0 here).


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