
I have had my issues with setup tools myself either due to firewalls
and having to do installations on computers that are not connected over
the Internet.  I normally just  download the egg files into a directory
and move them to the computer which I want to install them.  I also add
a file that I call and have easy_install grab them from
the server that is created from  A simple version of would be

import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer

port = 80

handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", port), handler)

I would provide the full version of the code but I don't have a copy of
it right now.  The code above is just off the top of my head right now
but should work.  To get the setup tools install also include it's egg
in the directory and modify DEFAULT_URL in to look at the


Kevin and other TurboGears Developers,

It would be nice if an install package could be made that included all
the eggs and a script similar to the one I described above was included
to make installing TurboGears easier for those who have issues with
setup tools.  I use setup tools all the time and when you are not
behind a restrictive firewall it works great but otherwise it can be a
big pain in the ass (especially getting setup tools to install in the
first place).


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