On 7/5/06, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are you saying you'd prefer not to participate, or do you want us all to
stop having the weekly chat?

Ant, please, that's not what I said at all.

I said that, IMO (for what that's worth), I see the main benefit of
IRC is its use as tool to help reach consensus when discussions on the
mailing list bog down. Using IRC in that manner does not require a
scheduled meeting.

As pointed out on the incubator thread, having a scheduled meeting can
act as a deterrant to participation. For example, one reason that I am
reluctant to join in some other IRC meetings is that they occur at
5:30AM my time and my desire to participate does not exceed my desire
for sleep.

As Jim pointed out here, people often have other commitments that may
impact their ability to participate - IIRC he cited travel issues.
Being async, email does not have those problems which is why it is the
preferred form of communication at the ASF.


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