Hi Luciano, Thanks for taking a look. Comments inline:


On 07/07/06, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Pete

   I took sometime to look at the C++ M1 Release candidate and I have the
following feedback...
   Please keep in mind that my C++ skills is not one of my biggest
strengths as of today, so, some feedback might be due to lack of involvement
with C++ for couple of years...
   Also note that I didn't have a C++ DEV environment, so I was just
running things from the binaries you posted.

   - In Tuscany Java, we have some sample script files to boot the Tuscany
environment (
Should we have something similar for C++ environment ? I have created a
sample one just to using for C++ M1 and could be used as a sample if people
think this is a good idea.

I'm not particularly keen on scripts which have hard-coded paths in (to
whoevers machine they were written on). I think a parameterised script could
be useful though.

   - Instructions on how to install Tuscany SCA CPP posted here (
http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/cpp/sca/INSTALL) says:
        - 5.a. Unzip the supplied zip file. set the TUSCANY_SCACPP
variable to point to the 'deploy' directory in the unzipped directory tree.

        I can find the deploy directory in the c++ svn repository, but
it's not available in the M1 release candidate. Is this just the directory
the files were extracted ? If so, documentation needs clarification,
otherwise M1 zip need to be checked.
        Trying to go a step ahead, I set this to the place i unzipped the
files and looks like it accepted that :)

That is a mistake in the INSTALL doc it should say:
5.a. Unzip the supplied zip file. set the TUSCANY_SCACPP variable to point
to the unzipped directory tree.

   - In order to start getting better results from the SCA Calculator
sample program, I had to figure out the following items that were not
mentioned in the INSTALL instructions

        - Need to add axis2c\lib directory to path as well... instructions
only mention bin directory

This is a mistake too. it is axis2c\lib that should be added to the path.
I'll fix he doc.

        - Need the following runtime env dlls : msvcp60d.dll,
msvcrtd.dll(my system only had the regular ones without the d)

This is an interesting one. The Windows distribution build is actually a
debug build. It probably should be a "release" build.

   - After fixing the DLL issues, i found that the calculator sample app
was expecting the following environment variable to be set :
        TUSCANY_SCACPP_SYSTEM_ROOT environment variable not set

        I set that to the same value of  TUSCANY_SCACPP
        Do we need these 2 env variables ? What is the difference between

   - Now I'm at the point I'm getting the following exception
        Duplicate wire for reference: CalculatorDivideService

        Any workaround here ?

The variables are different. TUSCANY_SCACPP points to the installed root for
the runtime to locate its model schemas etc. TUSCANY_SCACPP_SYSTEM_ROOT is
used to point to the deployed SCA System... i.e. the folder that contains
the modules and subsystems of the sca application. The samples INSTALL says:

1. The following environment variables are required:
    ... snip ...
    set TUSCANY_SCACPP_SYSTEM_ROOT=<samples_install_dir>/Calculator/deploy

By setting this to the same as TUSCANY_SCACPP the runtime is finding all the
sca.module files in the tree. There is a copy in the samples folder and one
is deployed to the Calculator/deploy folder so everything is defined
twice...hence the duplicate wire exception.

Other minor things

   - Couple files like : LICENSE, NOTICE, README all have no extensions,
are these the way they are supposed to be ? The Java M1 had some of these
files with the txt extension...
   - The SDO package have two readme with different contents on it (README
and README.txt)

It seems standard practice in C/C++ projects using Automake that thes files
do not have extensions.

-- Luciano

   *"Pete Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*

07/05/2006 08:02 PM   Please respond to

tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org  cc
C++ M1 Release Candidate

I have posted a candidate for the first C++ release here.


Would all interested parties take some time to review this so that we can
either re-spin the release or vote on it asap.

The website documentation is out of date and will be re-written to sync
what is in the release. Hopefully this will be done tomorrow.

A Calculator sample is included which demonstrates deploying an SCA
component wiring, locating and invoking C++ service from
C++ component,  invoking from a C++ client, and exposing a service as a
service using ws binding.

Release Summary

Tuscany SCA C++ provides a runtime implementation for the Service
Architecture 0.9 specification, written in C++ and will currently support
component implementation types. This is not yet a complete implementation
known restrictions are described below.

Supported SCA Assembly Model features
 *  All features are supported unless listed under the known restrictions
    below. See SCA Assembly Model specification.

Supported language bindings
 * Component implementations written in C++. See SCA Client and
   Implementation Model specification.
 * Component interfaces described by C++ classes. See SCA Client and
   Implementation Model specification.

Supported external service and entry point bindings
 * The web service binding is supported. This implementation will support
   web services which using document literal SOAP bindings conforming to
   WS-I basic profile (rpc/encoded is not yet supported).

Known restrictions
 * Subsystem: wiring, entry points and external services are not
 * Local service interfaces cannot use overloaded operations (the SCA
   specification limits remote service interfaces to not using
overloaded operations).
 * Each WSDL definition for a web service binding must be in a single WSDL
 * No load time validation of the deployed SCA application (run time
validation only).
 * No metadata API.

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