Overall, +1

Quick question around copying versus moving, how are we going to clean-up
later on ?

As for Bert suggestion on having a automated build, I remember Slava Imeshev
had setup one for us in the past, maybe we could get that going again...

On 4/3/07, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Forgot to ask one question:

We have inconsistent version ids for artifacts in the trunk, do you plan
reconcile them? If so, what should the version id look like? I propose
we use something like 1.0-incubating-alpha1-SNAPSHOT to reflect the fact
that we're working toward a 1.0 release.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jean-Sebastien Delfino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 3:45 AM
Subject: SCA source tree and build structure

> Hi all,
> We've discussed the need for a working top-down build in a number of
> threads now:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org/msg14658.html
> http://www.mail-archive.com/tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org/msg15892.html
> http://www.mail-archive.com/tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org/msg16062.html
> http://www.mail-archive.com/tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org/msg16085.html
> We're also starting to discuss the contents of our next release, so it's
> probably about time to do something concrete to fix that build :) Here's
> pretty basic proposal for how to fix it.
> First simplify our trunk structure:
> java/
>  pom/parent/pom.xml
>  sca/
>    pom.xml
>    modules/
>      pom.xml
>      assembly
>      binding-axis2
>      contribution
>      core
>      databinding
>      discovery-jms
>      federation
>      http-jetty
>      idl-java
>      impl-java
>      ...
>      The "next release" discussion will help us determine the list of
> modules.
>    samples/
>      build.xml <-- I'd like to build the samples with Ant as well as
>      pom.xml
>      calculator
>      supplychain
>      bigbank
>      helloworld
>      ...
>      Here also, the release discussion will help determine the list.
>    itest
>      pom.xml
>      bindings
>      exceptions
>      spec
>      ...
>      Here I suggest to copy the tests from the integration branch.
> Maven technicalities:
> - sca/pom.xml's parent will be pom/parent/pom.xml
> - Other poms will use the pom from the parent folder as parent pom
> - Group ids: org.apache.tuscany.sca, org.apache.tuscany.sca.samples,
> org.apache.tuscan.sca.itest
> - Version of our modules will be specified once in java/sca/pom.xml,
> poms don't need specify a version as they get it from their parent
> Naming conventions:
> - Use all lowercases and dashes in folder names (like in the jar names)
> - Maven artifact id = tuscany-<folder name>
> Building the tree:
> Simple... cd java/sca, then mvn. It should work even if you start with
> empty Maven local repository, and it should always work :) Build breaks
> should be avoided or get fixed quickly, it's the least we can do to be
> nice to our community of developers and users to avoid breaking them all
> the time.
> Handling modules not part of the next release:
> If people want to work on some new modules that won't be part of the
> release and not included in the top-down build, that's fine, we can just
> avoid listing these modules in java/sca/modules/pom.xml. So, they can be
> there in the same source tree but they won't break the release top-down
> build, and they won't have to be building at all times.
> So, to make this proposal concrete, I'm planning to put my build guy hat
> on and start putting that build structure together on Tuesday. I won't
> break any of the existing modules as the new folder names won't conflict
> with the existing folders. Also I'll copy the modules to the new folders
> instead of moving them.
> I would like to have this structure running for a few days, get people's
> input, feedback or help to make it work :) and adjust it step by step to
> what people in our community want. If it works well, then great, we'll
> have a working build again and a happy community :) If people want to
> something else, we can try it too. Finally, we can revisit the tree
> structure, the build etc. after the next release as well.
> Thoughts?
> --
> Jean-Sebastien
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Luciano Resende

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