
Yes the shade transformer that we use there just about aggregates the
contents of all files found with the path that we specify there.  So it also
ends up aggregating the definitions.xml just as a text file.  So this ends
up with multiple <sca:definitions> elements and then no root element in the
aggregated definitions.xml.  This is where the problem started.

I am looking at a XMLAppender that Ant pointed out.  Let me see how it
goes.  Otherwise I want to try our own shade transformer.


- Venkat

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> snip...
> > Could we just add our own Shade transformer that knows how to aggregate
> > the
> > definitions files? Eg TO SUPPORT something like this in the shade plugin
> > config:
> >
> > <transformer implementation="
> > org.apache.tuscany.sca.tools.ShadeDefinitionsTransformer">
> >    <resource>META-INF/services/definitions.xml</resource>
> > </transformer>
> >
> I hadn't noticed the list of shader transformer configurations before in
> the
> distribution/bundle pom. How does the appending transformer get applied to
> definitions.xml as it stands. Is this just default behaviour?
> Simon

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