On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 11:12 AM, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bring this comment to the dev list:
> "The tuscany web app support doesn't use this evolving node implementation
> just yet. I don't imagine it would be difficult to plug it in ...."
>  - http://apache.markmail.org/message/4hvdrcafhapy3kyy
> Coincidentally i was having a look at this just the other day after that
> user posted about support for Tomcat with multiple webapps in the same SCA
> domain - http://apache.markmail.org/message/ttssxoruzpndkado.
> Could you give any pointers at all on where to start with using this
> evolving node implementation like this? Theres no doc and I'm a bit lost
> on
> even which Tuscany modules, samples or tests are current. What I'd like to
> do is start exploring the updating of the old runtime-tomcat code to use
> the
> latest domain stuff so that as Tomcat starts up webapps are detected as
> contributions and added to a single Tomcat SCA domain. One issue that I
> remember came up last time doing this is that as this happens during
> Tomcat
> startup no http communication can take place so all the registrations of
> contributions with the domain need to be in-vm.
>   ...ant

Hi Ant

Am keen to work with you on this. While svn has been down I've spent time to
resurrect a load balancing demo I have on my local disc (not checked in yet)
and would like to update the webapps I'm using to the lasted domain code but
of course I can't.

Here's a summary of what I think is current in terms of domain/node/runtime
support (but have to admit that there is an amount of guessing here).....

sca/distribution/standalone - not sure but think it's redundant - forerunner
of runtime-standalone?
sca/distribution/tomcat - not sure but think it's redundant - forerunner of
sca/distribution/war - not sure but think it's redundant - forerunner of
sca/distribution/webapp - not sure but think it's redundant
sca/modules/domain - old domain SPI
sca/modules/domain-api - old domain API
sca/modules/domain-impl - old domain Implementation - has been superseded by
sca/modules/domain-manager - new domain management application - replaces
sca/modules/host-embedded - original single JVM domain implementation -
still used in most samples
sca/modules/host-webapp - original webapp runtime - fires up tuscany based
on web.xml filter
sca/modules/host-webapp-junit - not sure but have a feeling it's something
to do with running itests in different web containers
sca/modules/node - old node SPI
sca/modules/node-api - old node API
sca/modules/node-impl - old node implementation that runs one or more
composites in a single JVM as part of a distributed domain
sca/modules/node2-api - new node API
sca/modules/node2-impl - new node implementation. This node is coded to read
it's configuration as an atom feed from the new domain-manager
sca/modules/node2-launcher - start up a node from the command line
sca/modules/node2-launcher-webapp - had noticed this before - maybe node2
integration with webapps has been looked at. Let's see!
sca/modules/runtime - I think this was the last attempt at providing a
common runtime baseline to be specialized for different environments
sca/modules/runtime-standalone - command line runtime
sca/modules/runtime-tomcat - deep tomcat integration (IIRC)
sca/modules/runtime-war - war rutime
sca/modules/workspace - SPI for some of the machinery required to process
contributions at the domain level. Used by domain-manager
sca/modules/workspace-impl - Implementation of the workspace
sca/modules/workspace-xml - Reading/writing workspace as XML

So can we get together here and work out what the true picture is and how to
mode modules/runtime* to node2. First things first I'm going to go look at

I think the start up process for nodes in a webapp will potentially be
easier now as the node is just reading atom feeds and not making soap calls.
Time will tell!


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