On 17/08/18 03:19, Matthew Polack wrote:
> 1.) Centre feature
> When I use txt.insert I need to use the feature Peter found...
> center = txt.tag_config("center", justify="center")
> txt.insert(0.0, result, "center")
> but in the Enter label section...I could just use it straight away..without
> defining it with the tag...
> answerbox = Entry(root, bg="grey", font=("arial", 24, "bold"), justify
> ="center")
> answerbox.grid(row=15, columnspan=2, padx=0, pady=0, sticky=EW)
> Can you explain why?

That's how the Tcl/Tlk designers decided to do things.
tags are a concept that only apply to the Text widget
so don't make much sense in a single line Entry.
But essentially its an arbitrary design decision
taken 30 years ago and we are stuck with it :-)

> 2.)  When inserting the wording re: 'You have made mistake' or 'Great job'
> etc...I found I had to break it up into separate lines...as I was getting
> syntax errors.
> txt.insert(0.0, result, "center")
> txt.insert(3.0, wordScore, "center")
> txt.insert(8.1, score, "center")
> Is there a way to simply combine all these commands with one txt.insert and
> using commas?

Not with commas but you can use line breaks inside
a triple quoted string and just do a single insert.
In fact one of the improvements I'd suggest for
your code is to use string formatting to insert
the values into your strings before inserting them.

fail_str = """
Sorry, you got it wrong,
the correct answer was %d
Your current score is: %f""" % answer,score

txt.insert(1.0, fail_str, "center")

> 3.) Is there anything else in this code that looks like a bit of a
> glaring...'Coding Rookie' mistake? Or is simply inefficient?

I'll send a second reply with inline comments.

Alan G
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