Hi Alan,

I'm also trying to solve the rounding issue...but can't work out the syntax
using the example provided...have tried this but I get an error...

_tkinter.TclError: unknown option "-text %.2f"

.I'm sure it is a simple syntax issue...but I don't know what it is.

def viewPercent():
     percentCalc = score/total*100
     percentViewLab["text %.2f"] % percentCalc

     # This was my working version pre the version suggest above.
     percentCalc = score/total*100
     rounded = round(percentCalc, 2)
     percentViewLab["text"] = rounded


Instructions given:

>>> s = "Here is a string with a rounded float: %.2f" % 42.3456789
>>> s
'Here is a string with a rounded float: 42.35'
Thanks for any clues.

- Matt

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On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 8:18 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor@python.org>

> On 17/08/18 03:19, Matthew Polack wrote:
> > def viewPercent():
> >     percentCalc = score/total*100
> >     rounded = round(percentCalc, 2)
> >     percentViewLab["text"] = rounded
> Since you only want the rounded value for display
> this is usually achieved using string formatting:
> >>> s = "Here is a string with a rounded float: %.2f" % 42.3456789
> >>> s
> 'Here is a string with a rounded float: 42.35'
> That doesn't change the value of the variable but changes how
> it is displayed. There are lots of other options in format
> strings to control justification, padding etc. You should
> definitely explore their capabilities. Just because you
> are using a GUI rather than a console doesn't mean the
> string methods are any less useful.
> > from tkinter import *
> > import random
> >
> > # Created with a starting value.
> > answer = 0
> > score = 0
> > wrong = 0
> > mistakes = 0
> > total = 0
> >
> > def makeproblem():
> >     global answer
> >
> >     txt.delete(0.0, 'end')
> >     sentence = "Here is your problem "
> >     number1 = random.randint(2,12)
> >     number2 = random.randint(2,12)
> >     answer = number1 * number2
> >
> >     center = txt.tag_config("center", justify="center")
> >
> >     txt.insert(0.0, sentence, "center")
> >     txt.insert(2.2, number1, "center")
> >     txt.insert(3.3, " x ", "center")
> >     txt.insert(4.4, number2, "center")
> All of the above could be replaced with a single format string
> and a single insert.
> display = """
> Here is your problem:
> %d x %d
> """ % (number1, number2)
> txt.insert(1.0,display, "center")
> > def checkanswer():
> >     txt.delete(0.0, 'end')
> >
> >     global score
> >     global mistakes
> >     global total
> Its conventional (although not necessary) to put all
> globals at the very top of the function.
> >     response = int(answerbox.get())
> >     wordScore = "Your score is now "
> >     if response == answer:
> >         score += 1
> >         total += 1
> >         result = "Great Job! "
> >         root.update()
> >         viewSC()
> >         viewPercent()
> >         viewTotal()
> >     else :
> >         total += 1
> >         result = "Sorry...you made a mistake. \n "
> >         # the \n above adds a line break.
> >         mistakes += 1
> >         viewMistakes()
> >         viewTotal()
> >         viewPercent()
> Notice you display Total and Percent in both block
> but do it in an inconsistent order.
> If you took both of this display calls outside
> the if/else you only need to call them once and
> they will be in the same sequence for all cases.
> >     center = txt.tag_config("center", justify="center")
> >     txt.insert(0.0, result, "center")
> >     txt.insert(3.0, wordScore, "center")
> >     txt.insert(8.1, score, "center")
> >    # txt.insert(1,1, "Score is")
> >     #txt.insert(3,3, score)
> Again this could all be replaced with string
> formatting and a single insert()
> > def about():
> >     txt.delete(0.0, 'end')
> >
> >     instructions = "Here is how you play the game. Press generate
> > problem..and then enter your answer. Your score will be displayed below."
> If you use triple quoted strings you can have
> more text and lay it out using line breaks etc.
> >     txt.insert(0.0,instructions)
> > root = Tk()
> > root.geometry("640x700+0+0")
> > root.title("Times Tables Game")
> >
> > # These are included as an example menu structure...in many cases they
> > don't do much...but do feature instructions and a quit feature.
> >
> > # create a toplevel menu
> > menubar = Menu(root)
> >
> > # Just an example of printing  hello to console for use in a menu item.
> > def hello():
> >     print ("hello!")
> >
> > # display the menu
> > root.config(menu=menubar)
> >
> > # create a pulldown menu, and adds it to the menu bar
> > filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
> > filemenu.add_command(label="Open", command=makeproblem)
> > filemenu.add_command(label="Save", command=makeproblem)
> > filemenu.add_separator()
> > filemenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=root.quit)
> >
> > menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=filemenu)
> >
> > # create more pulldown menus
> > editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
> > editmenu.add_command(label="Cut", command=checkanswer)
> > editmenu.add_command(label="Copy", command=checkanswer)
> > editmenu.add_command(label="Paste", command=checkanswer)
> > menubar.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=editmenu)
> >
> > helpmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
> > helpmenu.add_command(label="About", command=about)
> > menubar.add_command(label="Hello", command=hello)
> > menubar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=helpmenu)
> > menubar.add_command(label="Quit", command=root.quit)
> A bit odd adding a command after you add the cascade.
> Normally we do the cascade as the last item.
> > # Plain text labels at top of window.
> > timeslabel = Label(root, text="Times Tables Practice", fg="white",
> > bg="blue", font=("arial", 36, "bold"))
> > timeslabel.grid(columnspan=12, sticky='ew')
> > instruction = Label(root, text="Please click on the button to generate a
> > problem", fg="blue", bg="white", font=("arial", 16, "bold"))
> > instruction.grid(row=2, columnspan=20)
> >
> > # Makes an entry box with the variable of 'answerbox'
> > answerbox = Entry(root, bg="grey", font=("arial", 24, "bold"), justify
> > ="center")
> > answerbox.grid(row=15, columnspan=2, padx=0, pady=0, sticky=EW)
> >
> > # Makes a button that generate the Times Tables problem
> > btn = Button(root, text="GENERATE PROBLEM", bg="blue", fg="white",
> > command=makeproblem)
> > btn.grid(row=11, columnspan=2, sticky=EW)
> >
> > # Makes a button that checks the answer
> > btn = Button(root, text="CHECK ANSWER", bg="darkblue", fg="white",
> > command=checkanswer)
> > btn.grid(row=13, columnspan=2, sticky=EW)
> >
> > #This important command creates the text box called 'txt'. This is used
> for
> > all the text output.
> > txt = Text(root, width=35, height=8, wrap=WORD, font=("arial", 20,
> "bold"))
> > txt.grid(row=12, columnspan=2, sticky=EW )
> An interesting future option might be to eliminate this
> text box and put it in a dialog (along with the result labels)
> that would open to display the results in a separate window...
> Consider it homework :-)
> > #Adds a blankline below answer box...but leaves top alignment alone. You
> > could use PAD...but that command does both sides. There may be another
> way
> > to achieve this.
> You can do it in various ways including putting a label in a
> frame and then anchoring the label to the bottom of the
> frame... But an empty label will suffice here. Only GUI
> purists would object. The easiest way is probably just to
> insert a '\n' newline character at the start of the label
> text.
> > blankline3 = Label(root, text = "", bg = "white")
> > blankline3.grid(row=17, sticky='ew')
> >
> > # Places the labels and the results beside each other in column 0 and
> > column 1.
> > # Note: Each 'View' label grabs the starting score from the declarations
> at
> > the top. eg. score = 0
> > scorelab = Label(root, text="Score", bg="green", fg="white",
> font=("arial",
> > 20, "bold"))
> > scorelab.grid(row=18, column=0, sticky=E)
> >
> > scoreViewLab = Label(root, text=score, fg="black", bg="grey",
> > font=("arial", 20, "bold"))
> > scoreViewLab.grid(row=18, column=1, sticky=W)
> >
> > totalLab = Label(root, text="Out of", bg="purple", fg="white",
> > font=("arial", 20, "bold"))
> > totalLab.grid(row=19, column=0, sticky=E)
> >
> > totalViewLab = Label(root, text=total, fg="black", bg="grey",
> > font=("arial", 20, "bold"))
> > totalViewLab.grid(row=19, column=1, sticky=W)
> >
> > mistakeslab = Label(root, text="Mistakes", bg="red", fg="white",
> > font=("arial", 20, "bold"))
> > mistakeslab.grid(row=20, column=0, sticky=E)
> >
> > mistakesViewLab = Label(root, text=mistakes, fg="black", bg="grey",
> > font=("arial", 20, "bold"))
> > mistakesViewLab.grid(row=20, column=1, sticky=W)
> >
> > percentlab = Label(root, text="Percentage", bg="aqua", fg="white",
> > font=("arial", 20, "bold"))
> > percentlab.grid(row=21, column=0, sticky=E)
> >
> >
> > percentViewLab = Label(root, text=0, fg="black", bg="grey",
> font=("arial",
> > 20, "bold"))
> > percentViewLab.grid(row=21, column=1, sticky=W)
> >
> >
> > def viewSC():
> >     scoreViewLab["text"] = score
> >
> > def viewTotal():
> >     totalViewLab["text"] = total
> >
> > def viewMistakes():
> >     mistakesViewLab["text"] = mistakes
> >
> > def viewPercent():
> >     percentViewLab["text"] = rounded
> You could replace all of these with a
> single function:
> def update_label(label,text):
>     label['text'] = text
> And supply change the calls from, for example:
> viewTotal()
> to
> update_label(totalViewLab, total)
> And you then need a function to calculate
> the percent value:
> def percent_string(score, total):
>     return ".2f" % (score/total *100)
> And you can now eliminate the percent global
> variable and call update_label with:
> update_label(percentViewLab, percent_string(score, total))
> ##### Additional teachers notes ####
> As a general comment while you can use globals for
> everything it considered bad practice. You should
> strive to minimise use of global variables (google
> global variables for lots of discussion about why).
> Its generally considered better to make your functions
> as independent as possible so that they take in values
> via parameters and return a single value (occasionally
> a tuple). As an example:
> # global var
> value = 42
> # define a function
> def double(val):
>     return val * 2
> # Now call it
> value = double(value)
> So here we have not had to use the global keyword
> but our function reads the global variable as input
> and returns a new value which we assign to it.
> This relies on another good practice for functions
> namely to keep them small and only do a single task.
> If you find a single function updating lots of
> global variables that often indicates that you
> should have more than one function.
> In particular we try to separate display from
> calculation. So in your case the check answer
> function should really only check the answer
> and set a success or failure flag.
> You can then have a display result function
> that checks the flag and updates all the
> labels and text.
> Normally, I wouldn't highlight these issue to a
> beginner but since you are also a teacher I felt
> that you should be aware. They cross the boundary
> from pure coding to software design. Your code as
> it stands is acceptable for a beginner but in a
> year you will probably look at it and cringe
> slightly... But that is true with any new
> coding venture. :-)
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
> http://www.amazon.com/author/alan_gauld
> Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/alangauldphotos
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