On 23/08/18 06:10, Matthew Polack wrote:

> I'm also trying to solve the rounding issue...but can't work out the syntax
> using the example provided...have tried this but I get an error...

> def viewPercent():
>      percentCalc = score/total*100
>      percentViewLab["text %.2f"] % percentCalc

OK, the problem here is mixing up your data with TKinter's
(inherited from Tcl/Tk) mechanism for accessing widget

percentViewLab["text %.2f"]

This tells Tkinter to fetch an attribute of your widget
called "text %.2f". Of course there is no such attribute,
it is called just "text".

percentViewLab["text %.2f"] % percentCalc

This tries to insert the percentCalc value into the
string returned by the widget.

Again that's not what you want. You want to insert
the data into a string which will then be assigned
to the widget's text attribute.

val = "%.2f" % percentCalc  # eg. -> val = "0.76"

Now insert val into your widget

percentViewLab["text"] = val

or equivalently:

percentViewLab.config("text", val)

You can of course combine all of that with

percentViewLab["text"] = ".2f" % percentCalc

Personally I tend to separate the creation of the
string from the widget assignment because it makes
it easier to debug by printing the string to the

One final note. When using % to inject data into
a format string you MUST put the percent immediately
after the format string. No commas or parentheses

The % formatting style is preferred by old school
programmers (like me) who came from the world of C and
its relatives because C uses a very similar style in
its printf() family of functions. However, new programmers
may find the format() method of a string more obvious.
(I'm thinking about your students here)

Using format your case would look like:

val = "{:.2f}".format(percentCalc)

And the previous example would be:

fail_str = """
Sorry, you got it wrong,
the correct answer was {:d}
Your current score is: {:f}""".format(answer,score)

It is quite similar except the placemarkers are {}
and you call the format() method. The formatting
characters inside the {} are different too - you
need to read the docs... There are zillions of examples.
You might find it more logical.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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