On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 16:47, Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:
> Albert Cahalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> > The biggest differences are the use of color to indicate
> > button state and the lack of filesystem access.
> The colour thing is really just a style issue (I'm sure there are
> themes for KDE and GNOME which do the same thing). But maybe real
> 'depressed' buttons will work better? What app did you use to draw
> the buttons, Bill?

I think it's this:

> >> For example, I really don't like that right-clicking works
> >> the same as left-clicking in Tux Paint.
> >
> > Hey, it's that way for ALL of MacOS X, no matter if
> > you're a kid with Tux Paint or an adult with a spreadsheet.
> > This is even without the normal physical mouse limitation.
> Without? Are there Mac mice with more than one button?

You can plug any normal USB mouse into a Mac. Unless you
change an obscure config setting, all buttons will be tied
together as one.

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