> On Feb 22, 2017, at 9:42 AM, Hynek Schlawack <h...@ox.cx> wrote:
>>> I don’t see how that’s tedious since a compute does that for me.
>>> Although I don’t see any value at wheeling them (and some packages
>>> cannot be wheeled); my CI builds a venv and puts it into a container.
>>> There’s nothing tedious about it at all.
>> I find the idea of running throwaway environments to generate a big blob of 
>> tarball'd python+libs, then copying said tarball to actual containers, a 
>> rather retrograde step by comparison with established package/build 
>> infrastructure tools.
> I have to disagree here:  I don’t want build tools of any kind in my final 
> containers therefore I build my artifacts separately no matter what language. 
>  Of course you can just build the venv on your build server without wheeling 
> up a temporary container and then package it using Docker or DEB or whatever. 
>  You should be separating building and running anyway so Python – as much as 
> I’d like Go-style single binaries too – is in no way special here.  The nice 
> thing about temporary containers though is that I can do all of that on my 
> Mac.

It's worth pointing out that if you don't want a Go build toolchain in your 
container, you have exactly the same problem.  And a Go build toolchain (read: 
dependency/vendoring management toolchain) actually requires _more_ care and 
feeding than the analogous Python in my experience; the reason it's 
superficially appealing is that you can "cheat" and copy the binary over from a 
development environment, but this is not a robust CI solution.

Go's build toolchain has many features worth envying but most of its advantages 
have to do with deployments _outside_ of containers, where you have to ship to 
customer environments with fraught and unknown system configurations.  If you 
have any level of control over your deployment target, Go and, say, Python with 
PEX are ~equivalent.

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