Ah I see, makes sense. Thanks.

This API being Streaming means I can constantly stay connected to it
without risking being banned. Correct?
Would be useful to stay connected to the Spritzer call. Although I am
confused what practical use it would be if I am getting a small
portion as its a small percentage, meaning I may lose out on certain
keywords if I am keeping an eye on them?

On May 21, 2:12 pm, John Kalucki <jkalu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Streaming API /follow resource does not create new followings.
> Instead, it filters the stream of all public statuses created by a
> list of users. Perhaps the nomenclature is confusing.
> You probably observed a time period when the given small list of users
> did not update their status. The newlines are keep-alive probes.
> -John Kalucki
> Services, Twitter Inc.
> On May 21, 4:22 am, developerinlondon <ebilliona...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I tried using the stream API call documented 
> > here:http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Streaming-API-Documentation#Connecting
> > At the bottom there is the following example -
> > Example: Create a file called 'following' that contains, exactly and
> > excluding the quotation marks: "follow=12 13 15 16 20 87". Execute:
> > curl -d @followinghttp://stream.twitter.com/follow.json-
> > uAnyTwitterUser:Password.You will receive JSON updates from Jack Biz,
> > Crystal, Ev, Krissy, but not from Jeremy, as he's a private user.
> > I tried running it exactly as described. But my Curl just keeps
> > throwing blank lines at me and I checked the user didnt get any new
> > followings.
> > Would be great to know.
> > thanks,
> > -developerinlondon

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