Totally understand the need. I asked for clearer criteria because in
message one, you state you'll require

"a valid HTTP Referrer" or "a meaningful and unique user agent"

I can probably define a valid HTTP Referrer as containing a URL that
exists, but a meaningful/unique user agent is somewhat in the eye of
the beholder. In the second message, you say you'll require

"a valid HTTP Referrer and/or a User Agent"

I'm not sure how to define a "valid" user agent. That's why I'd like
to see *your* definition for these things so we can meet your

Ed Finkler
AIM: funka7ron
ICQ: 3922133

On Jun 16, 12:56 pm, Doug Williams <> wrote:
> All we ask is that you include a valid HTTP Referrer and/or a User Agent
> with each request which is easy to do in almost every language. Both would
> be helpful but we only require one at this time. We simply want to be able
> to identify apps and have the ability to communicate with the authors.
> Thanks,
> Doug
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Justyn Howard <>wrote:
> >  Thanks Doug - Any additional info to help us know if we comply? My dev is
> > out of the country on vacation and want to make sure we don’t miss anything.
> > On 6/16/09 11:33 AM, "Doug Williams" <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > The Search API will begin to require a valid HTTP Referrer, or at the very
> > least, a meaningful and unique user agent with each request. Any request not
> > including this information will be returned a 403 Forbidden response code by
> > our web server.
> > This change will be effective within the next few days, so please check
> > your applications using the Search API and make any necessary code changes.
> > Thanks,
> > Doug

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