yes initially i thought the follow/update/unfollow/dm are all in the same
limits. but i can see now ( that the 1000 only
applies for Updates/dms not for follow/unfollow. That only requires a near
1:1 ratio. Some documentation on what the maximum follow limit is for any
specific account would be good to know. Eg an account with x followers can
follow maximum y in any specific day. This can ensure we stay within
twitter's guideline instead of keep hitting limit.



2009/7/2 Doug Williams <>

> It initially seemed like you were asking about the update limit but now you
> are talking about following limits. Can you be more specific on the behavior
> you are seeing and why you feel it is an issue? We can argument the
> documentation to clear the confusion but I'm not following your exact
> problem.
> Thanks,
> Doug
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 6:00 AM, Dewald Pretorius <> wrote:
>> I have noticed the same thing, and there is no predictable pattern to
>> it.
>> The API kicks back the limit exceeded message on numbers far below
>> 1,000.
>> The same goes for DMs. I've seen a person being limited after 200 DMs
>> have been sent.


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