On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Clint Shryock <cts...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The thread I recall about not announcing your apps here was more of a
> "don't announce your app here if you want to keep it private / low key".  If
> I recall correctly the specific developer(s) was unhappy that someone had
> blogged about a particular app that wasn't full and ready but had been
> mentioned here.
> I think new app announcements are fine, especially in this case, it was
> done in a non-spammy manner.
>> Most reasonably professional lists have a policy of no self promotion...
> please cite 3 examples.
> +Clint

Not that I think there'd be much difficulty in doing so, I a) have better
things to do and b) have no time or energy to get into a pointless pissing
match. Go show me 300 that don't. Who cares? It's common enough, whether
it's 50% or 85%.

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