With a whitelisted IP you can make 20k auth calls per hour for each user.
Once you reach this limit for a user you cannot make  any auth calls from
that IP in that duration. But the user can still use his 150 limit from
other apps.


On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 7:50 AM, Bob Fishel <b...@bobforthejob.com> wrote:

> From the Rate Limiting documentation:
> "IP whitelisting takes precedence to account rate limits. GET requests
> from a whitelisted IP address made on a user's behalf will be deducted
> from the whitelisted IP's limit, not the users. Therefore, IP-based
> whitelisting is a best practice for applications that request many
> users' data."
> Say for example I wanted to simply replicate the twitter website. One
> page per user that just monitors for new statuses with authenticated
> (to catch protected users) calls to
> http://twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline.json
> Say I was very popular and had 20k people on the site. Would this
> limit me to 1 call per minute per user or would it fall over to the
> user limit of 150 an hour once I hit my 20k? If so how can I tell it
> has fallen over besides for simply keeping track of the number of
> calls per hour my server has made.
> Thanks
> -Bob

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