On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Dewald Pretorius <dpr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> New York, August 7th, 2009: Convenience stores from around the world
> have reported a massive jump in Kit Kat sales during the shutdown of
> the Twitter API, after Twitter experienced the denial-of-service
> attack on Thursday, August 6th, 2009.
> Anxious developers, who are running independent services that rely on
> the Twitter API, have been taking frequent breaks from chewing their
> nails, tearing their hair out, and watching their services come to a
> grinding halt, and have been relying solely on the calming break-
> taking magic of Kit Kat to soothe their frayed nerves.
> One developer, who preferred to remain anonymous due to the sudden
> increase in the size of his bank overdraft, told our reporter that he
> had commandeered the neighborhood kids to form a human chain between
> his study and the convenience store, so that the Kit Kats he required
> for his frequent breaks could be supplied without interruption.
> Even though some conspiracy theorists immediately alluded to a
> collusion between Twitter and the makers of Kit Kat, our
> investigations could not uncover any truth to that rumor.
> Normal patrons of convenience stores are cautioned to send to the
> front of the line any raggedy looking person that mumbles in PHP or
> Perl, and whose fingernails are chewed into the raw flesh.
> PS. This is an obligatory satire warning.

Lame and offtopic. Save this for your friends.

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