What is it you need help with?

I see more and more of this on the twitter-dev list. On one hand, I can understand, someone with no developer background, sees the twitter world happening, and decides they too want to form a business around it. I do not see this on any of the other mailing lists I am on.

This generally works in the sense that any person can start any business by learning anything they so desire.

On the other hand, no business man would decide to start building an automobile without first understanding the basics of what they were getting into, through some form of research.

If you want to start a business that leverages twitter, you will need to either take the time to learn computer programming concepts, and apply those to a language that you research as fitting for the task you have in mind; or hire someone to fill that gap for you. The same as with any other business.

Do not be discouraged, but at the same time, move I would try to look at this endeavor with the same respect a non rocket scientist would give to a rocket scientist :) Can you control a rocket with php? :P

With that said, what is it you are looking for help with?

On Sep 2, 2009, at 6:50 PM, Dante Soiu wrote:

And not computer language, Dante Soiu

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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