I have an app for drink tasting notes (http://idrankthis.com). Until
now my app has parsed replies to @idrankthis but I'm in the process of
modifying the app to search for posts that contain the tag

Today I was testing this change by tweeting with a test account
(@idt2). I waited and waited for the tweet (http://bit.ly/12oISf) to
appear in search results for '#idrankthis' but it never did. Then I
posted a test with my personal account (@evanjacobs) and the tweet was
indexed very quickly.

Is this some sort of spam prevention? Specifically, is Twitter
preventing the indexing of tweets from accounts that may fit the
profile of spammers? At the time of this test tweet this account
(@idt2) was following 1 account and had 4 followers (mostly spammers
themselves). This account also doesn't have a bio or profile photo.

Thanks for any help in answering this question.

Evan Jacobs (@evanjacobs)
http://idrankthis.com (@idrankthis)

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