Just wanted to follow up on this thread. We've pushed out a change and
associated documentation that should allow for reliable, fast
pagination through lists of denormalized IDs. Please kick the tires on
the new "cursor"-based pagination:


On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 09:33, Ryan Sarver <rsar...@twitter.com> wrote:
> Waldron,
> I wish I had an exact ETA for you, but unfortunately these types of
> issues are never simple. As soon as we can identify exactly what is
> causing the problem we should be able to know when it can be resolved.
> I will update you with an ETA as soon as we can.
> Thanks, rs
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 5:23 AM, Waldron Faulkner
> <waldronfaulk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> That's awesome, Ryan, thanks. Can I get an ETA on a fix please? This
>> is extremely important to my business, I need to know when I can begin
>> selling. This bug has caused a delay, because I can't sell a broken
>> product, even if it is Twitter's bug and not my own.
>> So... ETA??
>> Thanks!
>> On Sep 13, 5:49 pm, Ryan Sarver <rsar...@twitter.com> wrote:
>>> Waldron,
>>> Thanks for the email. I am working with our team internally to track
>>> down the issue and figure out how to resolve it. I will get back to
>>> you with an update shortly, but know that we are listening and working
>>> on this.
>>> Best, Ryan
>>> On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Waldron Faulkner
>>> <waldronfaulk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > PLEASE, can someone on the API team let us know when the paging bug(s)
>>> > with followers/ids (and friends/ids) will be addressed? There have
>>> > been problems with it for weeks, but now it's just downright broken.
>>> > We can't get lists of followers for users with large numbers of
>>> > followers. That's a basic, fundamental API feature that's just BROKEN.
>>> > There's a reproduced, accepted, high priority bug against this issue
>>> > in the "issues" area, starred by many, and we've had neither a fix,
>>> > nor a comment as to whether it's even being addressed.
>>> > I need to know that I can expect problems with the platform's basic
>>> > functionality to be resolved within a reasonable time-frame. This is
>>> > killing my business development efforts. If Twitter wants people to
>>> > build businesses on this platform, they HAVE to support it.
>>> > PLEASE guys, give us something. Don't make me throw away months of
>>> > work and go focus on something unrelated to Twitter.

Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.

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