It's pretty simple, but with a few twists.

First of all, remember that everything that Twitter does is done with
simplicity and efficiency in mind.

For the most part its just a frequency count of words over a short
time period, minus stop words, filtering out usernames (notice @foo is
never a trend) and URLs. How it combines "Wave OR Google Wave" I'm
unsure of, and then there's some basic spam filtering in there

I was theorizing that some of it is based on accelleration of words
above their standard volume. Apple for example is always talked about
a great deal, but isn't always trending. Sometimes it has a greater
volume than other trending words, but it doesn't trend. Yet some
things stick around for a long time like IranElection. I need to dig
into this more. I almost had it fully modeled at one point, then lost
the code (damn you version control mistakes)


On Oct 2, 10:54 am, Nigel Cannings <>
> @secretbear did it first in the halcyon days of the PubSub Firehose...
>  I'd ask him
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> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Martin Dudek <> 
> wrote:
> > Good morning
> > wonder if somebody knows how twitter determines the ten trends it
> > declares every five minutes? Is this a pure word/phrase frequency
> > algorithm or some more complexity behind.
> > Thanks
> > martin

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