Completely agreed with Michael there. I'm not for a minute suggesting  
Abraham's library is any less in value, I just come to appreciate the  
nature in which jmathai went about creating the library and it just  
seemed to be more 'natural' to work with.

Not to mention as Michael said - you have a question and you get a  
response quickly.


On 1 Nov 2009, at 23:12, Michael Steuer wrote:

> +1
> I too started with Abraham's, but as you pointed out, that project  
> is more or less stagnant and Abraham is working on other things.  
> Totally understandable.
> Jmathai's library is technically very sound, extremely well thought  
> out and continuously being improved. Moreover, jmathai is very  
> helpful and responds to questions/requests etc within hours.
> Big fan.
> Plus, you get the advantage of asynchronous calls...
> On Nov 1, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Scott Wilcox <> wrote:
>> I much prefer using
>> Scott.
>> On 1 Nov 2009, at 19:57, Michael Mokrysz wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been messing around with the API for a while now and I've been
>>> wondering whether there's any particular consensus over the best
>>> library to use with PHP? Up to now I've been using Abraham Williams'
>>> TwitterOAuth library, however since on github it seems there's  
>>> been no
>>> updates for many months I thought I'd better check whether that's
>>> because there's no major bugs or because there's better libraries
>>> available?

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