On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 04:03:01AM -0800, Duane Roelands wrote:
> > It seems clear to me from Raffi's
> > comments on it that this third oauth flow is intended solely to enable
> > Twitter use from embedded applications or in other environments in which
> > it is not possible to use the existing oauth flows because there is no
> > way to bring up a browser.
> And this will be enforced...how?

The same way that oauth usage is enforced today:  By attempting to
educate users that they should not provide their login credentials to
third-party websites.

> Developers who want the easier implementation and easier user
> experience will choose those methods,

As noted in my earlier message, I dispute your assertion that "type in
name, remember password, type in password" (even without an intermediate
"try to remember which password was for Twitter, enter a couple
incorrect and/or typoed attempts, give up, go find the piece of paper
where password is written down" phase) is an "easier user experience"
than "click, click, click, done".

Again, I grant that "enter username and password" is more familiar from
long use, but it is not actually easier.

In my experience (both as a developer and as a sysadmin), users prefer
authentication methods which do not require them to remember or locate
credentials.  They often initially resist these "alternative" methods
due to unfamiliarity, but, once they've done it enough times that they
no longer have to think about how to carry out each step, they are
highly resistant to going back to more "traditional" authentication
methods which require them to do more work to log in.  The fact that
methods exist which remove this extra work while also being more secure
is just gravy for those of us who are concerned with such things.

Once users are accustomed to the ease of passwordless oauth login from
one site, I fully expect them to want that same convenience on other
sites.  I further expect that this is already happening as users find
that the existing web-based oauth flow is easier for them than basic

(The exception to these comments is in the case where oauth fails to
work properly, which can be intensely frustrating for users.  However,
this is much less commmon now than it was even three months ago and,
more importantly, by allowing Twitter to focus exclusively on oauth, I
expect that replacing basic auth with this third oauth flow will lead to
increased reliability of *all* oauth flows.)

> > It in no way prevents or discourages use of the existing oauth flows
> > in scenarios where a browser is available.
> Prevents?  No.  Discourages?  Absolutely.  It provides an incentive
> for poor security decisions by developers and users.

Lazy developers will always take the easy way out, sure, and that's
generally going to be less secure.  But I'm still not seeing any
coherent argument for how the planned third oauth flow will, in any way,
be *worse* than the existing basic auth scheme.  It may not be an
absolutely perfect world in which absolutely nothing except Twitter
itself is capable of accepting a Twitter password, but it's still a big
improvement on what we have today.

Dave Sherohman

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