hi all.

thanks so much for the conversation so far!  its been great.  i've taken a
bunch of the comments and incorporated them into a newer version


let's continue to tear this apart.

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Harshad RJ <harshad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I posted a response on the blog which I am copy-pasting here:
> If the intention is to just delegate identity, this can be achieved more
> easily with what is available today:
> The Consumer, prepares a verify-credentials HTTP request, signed with its
> OAuth token, and passes this URL to the delegator, which in turn will simply
> issue this request on the consumer's behalf.
> Since a signed request doesn't contain the token-secrets, this is pretty
> safe to the consumer as well as end user.
> Some more thoughts:
>    - Perhaps the plan is to scale this workflow to action delegation. In
>    which case it makes sense to introduce the new flow.
>    - The term delegator is confusing. Shouldn't it be delegatee or
>    something :)
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 5:43 AM, Raffi Krikorian <ra...@twitter.com>wrote:
>> hi all.
>> i apologise that i'm running behind on getting these out, but i've put out
>> the first in a series of blog posts regarding what twitter is doing with
>> oauth moving forward -- this one, specifically, is a RFC around "delegation
>> in OAuth identity verification".  a total mouthful, i know, so it may help
>> to think about it in a concrete example:
>> You're an OAuth enabled Twitter client, and you've already authorized your
>>> user.  You user wants to use a media providing service like TwitPic.
>>>  TwitPic, currently, asks for the username and password of your user so it
>>> can store the photo on behalf of the Twitter user.  You don't have that
>>> username and password, so how do you give the ability to TwitPic to verify
>>> the identity of your user?
>> that being said, please check out
>> http://mehack.com/a-proposal-for-delegation-in-oauth-identity-v.
>> thanks!
>> --
>> Raffi Krikorian
>> Twitter Platform Team
>> http://twitter.com/raffi
> --
> Harshad RJ
> http://hrj.wikidot.com

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

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