yup!  that's the plan.  sorry if it wasn't clear in the e-mail blast.

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 6:14 AM, tsmango <tsma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just to clarify, xauth will be available to mobile applications (who
> apply) going forward to authenticate users, not just a one time way to
> exchange stored usernames and passwords?
> On Feb 11, 10:18 pm, Raffi Krikorian <ra...@twitter.com> wrote:
> > hi all.
> >
> > this is a long overdue e-mail, but i wanted to tease out some of the
> > directions that Twitter is going with OAuth.  i want to touch upon four
> > topics: delegation, OAuth WRAP/2.0, username/password OAuth token
> exchange,
> > and basic authentication deprecation.
> >
> > *DELEGATION - OAuth Echo*
> >
> > twitter users love posting media on third-party sites, and delegation in
> > identity verification is one of the major hurdles for an OAuth-enabled
> > twitter client to succeed.  i started a series of blog posts around the
> > following problem:
> >
> > You're an OAuth enabled Twitter client, and you've already authorized
> your
> >
> > > user.  Your user wants to use a media providing service like TwitPic.
> > >  TwitPic, currently, asks for the username and password of your user so
> it
> > > can store the photo on behalf of the Twitter user.  You don't have that
> > > username and password, so how do you give the ability to TwitPic to
> verify
> > > the identity of your user?
> >
> > check out the proposal for what we're calling "OAuth Echo" athttp://
> mehack.com/OAuth-echo-delegation-in-identity-verificatio.  please
> > feel free to comment there, or on the twitter development talk mailing
> > list<http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk>(or, even
> > just reach out to me directly).  i think this experiment in
> > engaging the community around designing this security/identity workflow
> has
> > been definitely a success, and i feel we're rapidly converging on a
> solution
> > for identity verification delegation.  in parallel, we're going to start
> the
> > process to engage our media providers in the conversation as well, and
> we're
> > hopeful we can move this forward quickly.
> >
> > *OAUTH WRAP/2.0*
> >
> > OAuth is evolving, and we at Twitter are keeping up with it.  that being
> > said, we're keeping our eyes on OAuth WRAP and OAuth
> > 2.0<http://wiki.oauth.net/OAuth-WRAP>.
> > we like a lot about it:
> >
> >    - it requires the use of SSL;
> >    - there is no custom signing mechanism -- you simply pass us a token,
> and
> >    that token is secured by SSL; and
> >    - it formalizes a bunch of "profiles" that we've been actively
> thinking
> >    about (e.g. a username/password exchange)
> >
> > in general, we really like WRAP/2.0 because it's just *so* easy to
> implement
> > from the client side.  there are no longer questions around creating the
> > proper signature base string, etc.  we're sure that developers will like
> it
> > as well.  we've started work on an internal implementation of OAuth WRAP
> and
> > we envision that we'll simultaneously support both OAuth 1.0a and
> WRAP/2.0
> > for a while.  our hope is to get WRAP out the door soon (and before we
> > finally deprecate basic authentication).
> >
> >
> > @rsarver and @noradio announced that we are going to support a mechanism
> > where a username and a password can be directly exchanged for an OAuth
> token
> > and secret -- we're calling this xAuth.  if you've been watching the
> mailing
> > list, Seesmic Look <http://seesmic.com/look> has been a beta partner in
> > testing xAuth exchange (and @abraham has already detailed how it
> > works<
> http://the.hackerconundrum.com/2010/02/sneak-peek-at-twitters-browser..
> .>).
> >
> > because we're moving everybody off basic authentication, we originally
> > envisioned this as a mechanism for developers to exchange all the
> username
> > and passwords they have in their databases for OAuth tokens en masse.
> >  that's still one of our use cases.  another use case is around
> environments
> > where software can't bring up a web browser (e.g. set top boxes, game
> > consoles, embedded devices).  we want to support those as well.
> >
> > you're going to have to apply to get access to this exchange mechanism
> (by
> > sending e-mail to a...@twitter.com), but, in general, all applications
> except
> > web applications will get access.  we feel that the xAuth exchange allows
> > for the best mix of security and user experience for desktop and possibly
> > mobile applications.  web applications will simply have to use OAuth as
> it
> > was designed, and send their users through the web flow.
> >
> >
> > yup - it's still happening.  we're targeting June 2010.  everybody,
> > including legacy applications, will have to move over.
> >
> > for those who are building new applications, use OAuth.  save yourself
> the
> > transition time later, and start thinking about it now.  for those who
> have
> > applications already out there, it would be really beneficial to start
> > thinking about a migration path right now and we're here to help.  if you
> > need it, please feel free to reach out to us and we'll help you figure
> out
> > what you need to do.
> >
> > to help entice you over, as you know:
> >
> >    - we have increased rate limits on api.twitter.com to those who are
> using
> >    OAuth (350 calls to the REST API per hour -- and increasing towards
> >    1500/hour); and
> >    - (as some of you are painfully aware) you can only set a source
> >    parameter with OAuth calls to status/update.
> >
> > we know some of you think there are hurdles in places to converting over
> to
> > OAuth -- suffice it to say, we're actively trying to address them.  some
> > potential hurdles are mentioned in this e-mail, and if you think there
> are
> > more then please feel free to reach out to us.  again, we really want to
> > make this switch-over easy for everybody.
> >
> > thanks!  and, as always - feel free to reach out to us anytime here, or
> to
> > @twitterapi.
> >
> > --
> > Raffi Krikorian
> > Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

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