More namespace nesting would of course increase people's ability to
taxonomize. It's a splippery slope though and we are trying to balance
expressiveness with simplicity. Providing for arbitrarily nested namespaces
increases complexity considerably both from an implementation perspective
and a comprehension perspective.

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:45 AM, gabriele renzi <> wrote:

> > * What is an annotation more exactly exactly?
> > First off let's be clearer about what an annotation is. An annotation is
> a
> > namespace, key, value triple. A tweet can have one or more annotations.
> > Namespaces can have one or more key/value pairs.
> first, annotations are cool, thanks. But why triples instead of quads?
> Say, we'd like to store three groups of movie data . If I do
>  movie: rating: 5
> then we risk conflict with someone else using the same namespace in a
> different way, e.g.
>  movie: rating: *****
> . At the same time, if I use the namespace for my
> application to avoid conflicts, I have to encode two of the fields in
> one
>  cascaad: movie_rating : XXXX
> or
>  cascaad_movie : rating: XXXX
> Did you consider this and decided it's not worth making the effort for
> a fourth field, or just ignored the issue, or simply didn't think of
> it?
> If triples are staying, can we establish a _convention_ early on on
> how to best handle this?
> --
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Marcel Molina
Twitter Platform Team

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