On 04/27/2010 04:53 AM, John Meyer wrote:
> On 4/26/2010 8:59 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
>> Yeah ... but I *like* having the browser involved.
> Which is fine.  However, there are other people who don't like getting
> the browser involved (people making command line Linux programs, for
> instance, or people exposing their own APIs that interact with Twitter).

Well ... there's Lynx. ;-) But seriously, I make command-line Linux
Twitter programs for my own use all the time, and I released four of
them as open source projects. *But*:

1. Those only use API calls that don't require authentication.

2. They are free as in beer as well as in freedom. There are exactly
*zero* potential *paying* customers for a command-line Linux program.

Let me quote two paragraphs from the Twitter Security Best Practices web

"Be sure that you're not exposing sensitive information through
debugging screens/logs. Some web frameworks make it easy to access
debugging information if your application is not properly configured.
For desktop and mobile developers, it's easy to accidentally ship a
build with debugging flags or symbols enabled. Build checks for these
configurations into your deployment/build process."

"As aforementioned, for optimal security you should be using OAuth. But
once you have a token with which to make requests on behalf of a user,
where do you put it? Ideally, in an encrypted store managed by your
operating system. On Mac OS X, this would be the Keychain. In the GNOME
desktop environment, there's the Keyring. In the KDE desktop
environment, there's KWallet."

If you're building desktop applications that you are going to ask people
to pay for, you

1. *Must* have a better user interface than a command line,

2. *Must* adhere to the Twitter security best practices, including the
two I've highlighted, and

3. In all probability *shouldn't* waste your time building a Linux
version. Windows is 89-90 percent of the desktop market, Macintosh is 9
- 10 percent, and Linux is 1 percent.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erdős

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