This post by Mr. Mark Kolb is biased, because he is simply hostile to
myself personally. I am running teldomaintel Twitter account, and he
was hostile since the day that we have opened our website for TEL
domain directories:

Mark Kolb was running some outrageous websites providing fraudulent
TEL services to TEL domain users, and we have discovered the fraud, as
he was taking their usernames and passwords over insecure connections.

Further, when faced with accusations that he is taking passwords from
people, which believed that he is running official website, he has
publicly stated on the forum that "passwords are not personal
information", see here:

Since then, he has been sending me messages like "idiot" as he runs
TEL domain services, and we run TEL domain services, and he thinks we
are his competition, so he is constantly finding a way to stop our

The hashtag #dottel is mentioned by our account THEN, when we think it
is required. Further, we never send too many Twitter messages, and we
promote DOT TEL as for TEL domains, and everything related to TEL
domains, including third party news and our news.

I have entered RSS feed into Google, and on that day there were
several #dottel tags, but in general Google sends rare Tweets, so
there is never too many per day, just few. And I consider that Google
that well with the timing, so that it is not too much.

If the complaint would come from Twitter company, or from other users,
not related to TEL domains, I would really consider that serious, but
complaint comes from Mark Kolb which is known to disrespect people's
privacy, and which runs similar services like we run them, only that
we give our software for free, and he offers web services to people on
his domain.

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