On 6/9/2010 7:00 PM, Bernd Stramm wrote:
On Wed, 09 Jun 2010 17:13:04 -0700
"M. Edward (Ed) Borasky"<zn...@borasky-research.net>  wrote:

Quoting Ken<k...@cimas.ch>:

Not exactly spyware, but deceptive. Don't expect the public to
appreciate this.

How is this deceptive? Who is being deceived, and how?

How? There is text that is marked as a link, for example
"http://nasa.gov";, and it does not go to nasa.gov.

If a user clicks on the link saying nasa.gov, it  goes to t.co,
which does business with a third party, not telling the user anything
about it.

How is that *not* deceptive?

As long as the terms are clearly laid out and Twitter is open about where the user is being sent I see no problem with it in terms of openness. However, what I am wondering is why Twitter would feel the need to wrap other URL shorteners. Won't that increase the time needed to get to the final destination?

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