
I think that it is safe to assume that if user B follows C but not D, that 
he/she will retweet C and not D. However, this is not always 100% accurate. If 
an user follows both C and D, he/she will have retweeted the first one who 
retweeted it - the user does not get the second one in the timeline.


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On 11 aug. 2010, at 08:46, manggit <mang...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> Thanks for the prompt reply, I just wanted to clarify, or maybe I have
> completely misunderstood you, so are you suggesting that I first call
> statuses_retweets on the original tweet, and then for each returned
> tweet, get the user information and find the users followers? What if
> a person is following multiple people who retweeted the orignal tweet?
> For example, if person A tweets something, and the tweet is retweeted
> by person B and C, finally person D retweets person B's retweet. How
> would we determine if person D's retweet is a retweet of person B's
> retweet, using just the statuses_followers api function call?
> Thanks again
> Mang-Git
> On Aug 10, 9:28 pm, Tom van der Woerdt <i...@tvdw.eu> wrote:
>> On 8/10/10 9:17 PM, manggit wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I am currently developing an app for a open source project. I would
>>> like to first obtain all direct child retweets of a given tweet, and
>>> then I would like to find all retweets of each of the child retweets,
>>> so on and so forth, until i reach the end of the retweet chain.
>>> However given the new style retweets, the api function call returns
>>> all retweets of a given tweet, including retweets of retweets, as
>>> retweets of the original tweet. Therefore I am unable to follow the
>>> progression of a tweet and gather information on whether a retweet is
>>> a retweet of the original tweet, or if the retweet is of a retweet.
>>> Is there anyway to obtain this information using the status_retweet
>>> api function call, or any clever combination of any of the api
>>> functions?
>>> Any support will be greatly appreciated
>>> Thanks
>>> Mang-Git
>> No and yes.
>> No: if there's no specific API for it, then there's no easy way.
>> Yes: You can build a follower-tree (A follows B, B follows C, C follows
>> D, etc) from the original tweep, but that may take a lot of time
>> depending on the amount of retweets, and should probably only be used
>> for research purposes.
>> Tom

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