On my website I have added the Twitter Button and I want it to use my
own customer short URL. However I'm finding it never counts the number
of search results.

has http://ldv.org.uk/20680 as a shortlink

I'm using data-url with http://ldv.org.uk/20680 and continuously get
back 0. Click on the zero and at the moment I get 4 search results.
I noticed that bit.ly mentioned an undocumented data-counturl, setting
this to the shortlink continues to bring up 0, however using the full
link I get 1, but as most people tweet our shortlink already I want
those numbers, and those using the full link are those RSS->Tweet
"people" who I don't really care about.

Is there any reason why using my custom short links we aren't getting
back any results?

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