I just got an email from Twitter about oAuth and t.co. Given that I have about five accounts, I assume I will get more copies. ;-) Anyhow, in the section on t.co, there was this line:

"You will start seeing these links on certain accounts that have opted-in to
the service"

How does an "account" opt-in to t.co? Will there be a setting in the web app, similar to opting-in to locations? Will there be an API call, or will Twitter simply wrap all the links posted by an account that has opted in?

If I post a bit.ly link and Twitter wraps it via t.co, will the "unwrapped" display unwrap just the t.co piece, or will it go all the way down to the raw URL?

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
http://borasky-research.net http://twitter.com/znmeb

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