> > If I post a bit.ly link and Twitter wraps it via t.co, will the
> > "unwrapped" display unwrap just the t.co piece, or will it go all the
> > way down to the raw URL?

According to the documentation, the display link on Twitter is meant
to be whatever link is submitted by the user when tweeting. So if it's
a bit.ly link, it should be displayed as bit.ly. However, various
clients can (and already do) choose to take their own approach to
displaying links (e.g. displaying the canonical URL, the page title,
inline content, etc).

To my understanding, the one thing that will be consistent across all
UIs and clients is that the href will always be the t.co link and it
will always wrap whatever link was submitted by the user when
tweeting, regardless of how it is displayed.

> And in a related question, exactly how is this going to affect character
> count?  Will it be based on the bit.ly URL, or the t.co URL?

I believe all t.co links are 20 characters.


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