On 28 sep, 16:44, Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com>
> In PHP twitteroauth, this would probably be something like:
> $content = $connection->get('friendships/show',
> array('source_screen_name'=>'episod',
> 'target_screen_name'=>'twitterapi'));

Yes. That would be something like that.

On 28 sep, 18:03, "Ken D." <k...@cimas.ch> wrote:
> Hey Rick,
> It's the second time in a week that someone brings up the autofollow/
> unfollow question (see 
> also:http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/b7b1dfbf6...)
> and I would love to understand the "follow economy" once and for all.

I was not aware of this fact. I am sorry if I heated up the discussion

> First of all, you say that if someone is following you, you will
> follow back, but if they are not following, you will unfollow. If you
> are not yet following them, do you mean that you would block them?

Yes, but I do not block them. I will follow them if they follow me, if
they unfollow me, I'll unfollow them.

> If one succeeds in building up an account that follows and is followed
> back by thousands of users - as seems to be the goal - does one ever
> actually visit the account? It can't possibly make any sense to access
> such an account via twitter.com. Are there tools that can render such
> an account usable or meaningful? Finally, why the pretense of
> following if one will never actually read the users' tweets? Does
> Twitter have in mind to adapt the system to this reality?
> This is not a rant, I sincerely want to know!

Non taken buddy. Its going about a dutch account on twitter that is
really important for most people and they liked to be followed back.
Olso, sometimes someone unfollows and then its not neccessary to
follow them.

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