Dear Ryan,
   A very direct question. Is it being said that I cannot associate a brand
new field like 'Discuss' with a tweet in my website?
Umashankar Das

On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 1:48 AM, Ryan Sarver <> wrote:

> Hey all, I’d like to give you an update about the state of the Twitter
> Platform and hopefully provide some much requested guidance.
> Since this time last year, Twitter use has skyrocketed.  We’ve grown from
> 48 million to 140 million tweets a day and we’re registering new accounts at
> an all-time record.  This massive base of users, publishers, and businesses
> is a giant playground for developers to build their own businesses on, and
> this means the opportunity has grown for everyone.
> With more people joining Twitter and accessing the service in multiple
> ways, a consistent user experience is more crucial than ever.  As we talked
> about last April, this was our motivation for buying Tweetie and developing
> our own official iPhone app.  It is the reason why we have developed
> official apps for the Mac, iPad, Android and Windows Phone, and worked with
> RIM on their Twitter for Blackberry app. As a result, the top five ways that
> people access Twitter are official Twitter apps.
> Still, our user research shows that consumers continue to be confused by
> the different ways that a fractured landscape of third-party Twitter clients
> display tweets and let users interact with core Twitter functions.  For
> example, people get confused by websites or clients that display tweets in a
> way that doesn’t follow our design guidelines, or when services put their
> own verbs on tweets instead of the ones used on Twitter.  Similarly, a
> number of third-party consumer clients use their own versions of suggested
> users, trends, and other data streams, confusing users in our network even
> more.  Users should be able to view, retweet, and reply to @nytimes’ tweets
> the same way; see the same profile information about @whitehouse; and be
> able to join in the discussion around the same trending topics as everyone
> else across Twitter.
> *A Consistent User Experience*
> Twitter is a network, and its network effects are driven by users seeing
> and contributing to the network’s conversations.  We need to ensure users
> can interact with Twitter the same way everywhere.  Specifically:
>  - *The mainstream consumer client experience*.  Twitter will provide the
> primary mainstream consumer client experience on phones, computers, and
> other devices by which millions of people access Twitter content (tweets,
> trends, profiles, etc.), and send tweets.  If there are too many ways to use
> Twitter that are inconsistent with one another, we risk diffusing the user
> experience.  In addition, a number of client applications have repeatedly
> violated Twitter’s Terms of Service, including our user privacy policy.
>  This demonstrates the risks associated with outsourcing the Twitter user
> experience to third parties.  Twitter has to revoke literally hundreds of
> API tokens / apps a week as part of our trust and safety efforts, in order
> to protect the user experience on our platform.
>  - *Display of tweets in 3rd-party services*. We need to ensure that
> tweets, and tweet actions, are rendered in a consistent way so that people
> have the same experience with tweets no matter where they are.   For
> example, some developers display “comment”, “like”, or other terms with
> tweets instead of  “follow, favorite, retweet, reply” - thus changing the
> core functions of a tweet.
> With this in mind, we’ve updated our Terms of Service:
> *The Opportunity for Developers*
> Developers have told us that they’d like more guidance from us about the
> best opportunities to build on Twitter.  More specifically, developers ask
> us if they should build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream
> Twitter consumer client experience.  The answer is no.
> If you are an existing developer of client apps, you can continue to serve
> your user base, but we will be holding you to high standards to ensure you
> do not violate users’ privacy, that you provide consistency in the user
> experience, and that you rigorously adhere to all areas of our Terms of
> Service.  We have spoken with the major client applications in the Twitter
> ecosystem about these needs on an ongoing basis, and will continue to ensure
> a high bar is maintained.
> As we point out above, we need to move to a less fragmented world, where
> every user can experience Twitter in a consistent way.  This is already
> happening organically - the number and market share of consumer client apps
> that are not owned or operated by Twitter has been shrinking.  According to
> our data, 90% of active Twitter users use official Twitter apps on a monthly
> basis.
> In contrast, the number of successful applications and companies in the
> Twitter ecosystem that focus on areas outside of the mainstream consumer
> client experience has grown quickly, and this is a trend we want to continue
> to support and help grow.  Twitter will always be a platform on which a
> smart developer with a great idea and some cool technology can build a great
> company of his or her own.  And, with record user growth, there has never
> been a better time to build into Twitter.
> Some key areas where ecosystem developers are thriving:
>  - *Publisher tools*.  Companies such as 
> SocialFlow<>help publishers optimize how they use 
> Twitter, leading to increased user
> engagement and the production of the right tweet at the right time.
>  - *Curation*.  Mass Relevance <> and 
> Sulia<>provide services for large media brands to 
> select, display, and stream the
> most interesting and relevant tweets for a breaking news story, topic or
> event.
>  - *Realtime data signals*.  Hundreds of companies use real-time Twitter
> data as an input into ranking, ad targeting, or other aspects of enhancing
> their own core products.  Klout <> is an example of a
> company which has taken this to the next level by using Twitter data to
> generate reputation scores for individuals.  Similarly, 
> Gnip<>syndicates Twitter data for licensing by third parties 
> who want to use our
> real-time corpus for numerous applications (everything from hedge funds to
> ranking scores).
>  - *Social CRM, entreprise clients, and brand insights*.  Companies such
> as HootSuite <>, CoTweet <>,
> Radian6 <>, Seesmic <>, and Crimson
> Hexagon <> help brands, enterprises, and
> media companies tap into the zeitgeist about their brands on Twitter, and
> manage relationships with their consumers using Twitter as a medium for
> interaction.
>  - *Value-added content and vertical experiences*.  Emerging services like
> Formspring <>, Foursquare<>,
> Instagram <>, and Quora <> have
> built into Twitter by allowing users to share unique and valuable content to
> their followers, while, in exchange, the services get broader reach, user
> acquisition, and traffic.
> A lot of Twitter’s success is attributable to a diverse ecosystem of more
> than 750,000 registered apps.  We will continue to support this innovation.
>  We are excited to be working with our developer community to create a
> consistent and innovative experience for the many millions of users who have
> come to depend on Twitter every day.
> As always, we welcome your feedback and questions.
> Best, Ryan
> @rsarver <>
>  --
> Twitter developer documentation and resources:
> API updates via Twitter:
> Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> Change your membership to this group:

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